
Gourmet Gut Gardening
Are you aware that...
- The the chronic diseases we develop AS we age are not caused BY aging. They are NOT “normal”!
- The Western junk diet and sedentary indoor lifestyle promote chronic disease, reducing our “health span” and life span.
- Armed with this knowledge, you do NOT have to accept chronic disease, pain and disability as your lot in life!
- Flip the Western diet and lifestyle UPSIDE DOWN for a NEW HEALTHY YOU!
It's Really That Simple!
- Eat Nature's Living Foods, mostly plants.
- Go Outside in Nature, unleash the body and let It move!
It's Complicated...
- We are addicted to convenience.
- We are addicted to unnatural dopamine "highs" triggered by sugar, salt and oil. (Follow the money trail...)
- We are surrounded by a tsunami of Fake Food Products that beckon to us with slick marketing.
- We want to fit in with what's cool in our social groups.
- We have nostalgic memories attached to childhood birthday and holiday celebration traditions.
- We are "convinced" (by our gut bacteria!) that we can't live without ______________ [bread, cheese, ice cream, chips, soda...]
- We are afraid that we don't have whatever it takes to change. (Our brains and guts have been hijacked!)
- Really, who has TIME to shop and prep and cook?!?
- Besides, organic produce costs more!
- And anyways, "I don't like vegetables!" or "I don't like to cook!" (Which "I" in you says that?)
When contemplating change that requires making efforts, the mind instantly invents "rational-lies" why we "can't" or won't.
Our brains and guts, hijacked by junk, declare that we can't possibly part ways! Except that we can -- and LOVE it!
We mistakenly believe that the mind is "I", the one who "knows", the one in charge. Except that it's not! (Hint: Nature bats last!)
Hence the value of having a Health Coach on your team to sort it all out!
My Mission
...is sharing proven, science-based lifestyle interventions that can prevent and improve common chronic inflammatory conditions
with anyone motivated to uplift themselves.
Learn More!
One-on-one consultations from anywhere can be arranged via Zoom.
Choose from presentations on key health topics:
- What is Health? (Hint: it's NOT just the absence of symptoms!)
- What is Food? (Sounds obvious, right? Like, "I already know that." But do you really?)
- Why We Gain Weight: New Discoveries on Insulin Resistance and the Gut Microbiome
- The Gut Microbiome: What is it? Care and Feeding.
- Strategies and Protocols to Restore Health and Well-Being
- The Science Supporting Food Addiction and How to Break Free
- Food Politics, Myths and Culture
Support for Your Journey
- Clarify your vision and strengthen your “WHY” to power through each challenge.
- Reframe your self-talk to support your health journey.
- Baby Step your way to ease into lifestyle changes.
- Strategize to break free of addictive patterns.
- Discover how the Nutrient Dense lifetime diet style nurtures both you and your “Inner Gut Garden” to restore health.
- Learn shopping skills, including guidance on interpreting product labels
- Practice gourmet recipes, culinary skills, batch cooking and efficiency tricks to support your new lifestyle.
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Kamori Cattadoris, Nutritarian Health Coach Certified by the Nutritarian Education Institute founded by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. “If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?!?” |