Are you aware that...

  • The the chronic diseases we develop AS we age are not caused BY aging.  They are NOT “normal”!
  • The Western junk diet and sedentary indoor lifestyle promote chronic disease, reducing our “health span” and life span.
  • Armed with this knowledge, you do NOT have to accept chronic disease, pain and disability as your lot in life!
  • Flip the Western diet and lifestyle UPSIDE DOWN for a NEW HEALTHY YOU!

It's Really That Simple!

  • Eat Nature's Living Foods, mostly plants.
  • Go Outside in Nature, unleash the body and let It move!

It's Complicated...

  • We are addicted to convenience.
  • We are addicted to unnatural dopamine "highs" triggered by sugar, salt and oil.  (Follow the money trail...)
  • We are surrounded by a tsunami of Fake Food Products that beckon to us with slick marketing.
  • We want to fit in with what's cool in our social groups.
  • We have nostalgic memories attached to childhood birthday and holiday celebration traditions.
  • We are "convinced" (by our gut bacteria!) that we can't live without ______________ [bread, cheese, ice cream, chips, soda...]
  • We are afraid that we don't have whatever it takes to change.  (Our brains and guts have been hijacked!) 
  • Really, who has TIME to shop and prep and cook?!?
  • Besides, organic produce costs more!  
  • And anyways, "I don't like vegetables!" or "I don't like to cook!"  (Which "I" in you says that?)

When contemplating change that requires making efforts, the mind instantly invents "rational-lies" why we "can't" or won't.

Our brains and guts, hijacked by junk, declare that we can't possibly part ways! Except that we can -- and LOVE it!

We mistakenly believe that the mind is "I", the one who "knows", the one in charge.   Except that it's not! (Hint:  Nature bats last!)

Hence the value of having a Health Coach on your team to sort it all out!

My Mission sharing proven, science-based lifestyle interventions that can prevent and improve common chronic inflammatory conditions
with anyone motivated to uplift themselves.  

Learn More!

One-on-one consultations from anywhere can be arranged via Zoom. 

Choose from presentations on key health topics:

  1. What is Health?  (Hint: it's NOT just the absence of symptoms!)
  2. What is Food?  (Sounds obvious, right?  Like, "I already know that."  But do you really?)
  3. Why We Gain Weight:  New Discoveries on Insulin Resistance and the Gut Microbiome
  4. The Gut Microbiome:  What is it?  Care and Feeding.
  5. Strategies and Protocols to Restore Health and Well-Being
  6. The Science Supporting Food Addiction and How to Break Free
  7. Food Politics, Myths and Culture

Support for Your Journey

  • Clarify your vision and strengthen your “WHY” to power through each challenge.
  • Reframe your self-talk to support your health journey.
  • Baby Step your way to ease into lifestyle changes. 
  • Strategize to break free of addictive patterns.
  • Discover how the Nutrient Dense lifetime diet style nurtures both you and your “Inner Gut Garden” to restore health.
  • Learn shopping skills, including guidance on interpreting product labels
  • Practice gourmet recipes, culinary skills, batch cooking and efficiency tricks to support your new lifestyle.

Kamori Cattadoris, Nutritarian Health Coach

Certified by the Nutritarian Education Institute founded by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

“If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?!?”